Hard facts - GBS in short

Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS) is an academic, English-speaking summer university aiming at increasing knowledge of and raising awareness for transformation and sustainability in the field of building, construction and urban planning. The interdisciplinary training on master-level encompasses the ecological, economic, technical and social aspects of the built environment.

Target group

The GBS is aimed at international students and professionals in the field of architecture, building design, urban planning, engineering sciences, construction, property development, facility and energy management as well as all related topics dealing with the built environment. We also invite people with study backgrounds such as resource planning, ecology, landscape planning to apply.

Course aim

GBS aims at increasing knowledge in sustainable construction worldwide to counteract climate change and resource scarcity. It was initiated to pass on Austrian knowledge about passive house planning, ecological building and sustainable design strategies to the next generation of green builders. The program adds on to the participants’ qualifications and is a benefit for the future career. Our graduates act as ambassadors and multipliers in their home country by locally applying and implementing the knowledge.


Highly qualified students who are in need of financial support can apply for the reduced participation fee. Eligibility is checked based on application documents. If you are granted a scholarship, the reduced fee for participation is as little as EUR 790, -. Scholarship-holders need to hand in a follow-up report about their experience and learnings in GBS after participation. Detailed information will be forwarded after acceptance.

See more information about our scholarship system here!

Participation fee:

  • Participation fee for students:
    EUR 2.290,-
  • Participation fee for professionals:
    EUR 2.790,-
  • Reduced participation fee for scholarship holders:
    EUR 790,-

    (incl. VAT)

Fee includes accommodation in a student guesthouse in Vienna during the entire 3 weeks of the program, plus 1 optional extra-week after GBS 2024 free of charge. You do NOT need to apply for a room, your accommodation during GBS is organized by us. If you do NOT want to move into the student guesthouse, EUR 200,- are deducted from the participation fee. Download here an info about Included services.

The General Terms and Conditions can be found here.



Application deadlines:

Application deadline for scholarships: EXTENDED to May 5th, 2024.

Applications for the regular participation: June 30th, 2024.

Course content and credits

Starting off with an introduction to regenerative architecture, resource use and climate protection, the lecturers continue with topics of ecological construction, renewable energy production and use, building techniques and physics, simulation workshops and alternative materials. Finally, teams of participants get to put theory into practice in a final project design work.

After successful participation, students receive a certificate of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) showing 7 ECTS. Additionally we issue a final participation certificate. Continuous attendance during the full-time program is mandatory!

Find out more: Program - what you will learn at the GBS

The organizers

The GBS is a not-for-profit collaboration, organized by a consortium of leading Austrian academic institutions and experts:

Over 60 further national and international partners and sponsors support us - have a look at the full list of our partners here.

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