
Where would you like to live?


Ebendorferstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna
+43 1 53408 800

Registered Office: Vienna, Commercial Register Number: FN 173421g
Court of Registry: Vienna
VAT Registration Number: ATU60690504

The OeAD-WohnraumverwaltungsGmbH is 100% owned by the OeAD-GmbH.
The OeAD-GmbH was established by the OeAD Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 99/2008) on January 1, 2009 and is 100% owned by the Republic of Austria. The shareholder rights are exercised by the Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economics.

Mag. Günther Jedliczka

Supervisory Board:
Dr. Annette Zimmer, MBA, MPM (Chairwoman)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Bandtlow
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Ofner
Mag. Adolf Leitner
Mag. iur. Andrea Reithmayer
Dr. Karl Schwaha

Works Council:
Marianne Toder
Julia Wagner
Kenedi Maksutovic
Evica Stojanovic


OeAD student housing does not accept liability for the content offered. Despite our best efforts, no guarantee for correctness, completeness and topicality of the information, as well as the availability or operation of this website can be given.
OeAD student housing can not take responsibility for the content of other websites, to which it refers to by link.
Gender specific terms on this website refer to men and women equally, as far as this is possible with regard to the contents.

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