About AEMS


Our current economic system leads to exploitation of natural resources, social problems, such as inequality, and plays a significant role in climate change. The financial system, with its unregulated banking and speculatory practices, as well as the dynamics of compound interest contribute to ecological degradation and a systematic redistribution of wealth to the richest part of the population.

The Time For Change Is Now!

The AEMS summer university is a combined effort to create an academically open event for students and professionals from all walks of life: The program takes place annually in Vienna and is organized as a not-for-profit cooperation project between OeAD student housing, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and representatives of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG).

Change the Game – Change the Future!

AEMS is an academic program offering a holistic approach to sustainability and the interconnections between economy, society and the environment. The summer school comprises lectures, (panel) discussions and workshops, as well as extracurricular activities and will take place in Vienna from July 15th to August 2nd, 2024 - because: There is no alternative for alternatives!

Get a glimpse at AEMS in the image video below:

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