Summer Universities 2022 kicked off with great success!!

AEMS and GBS launched successfully on Monday with a public opening event on the topic of “A good life for all within the planetary boundaries”, welcoming 250 people on-site at Kuppelsaal of TU University and another 40 people watching online. The event was opened by introductory words of Christian Obinger (BOKU University), Günther Jedliczka (OeAD student housing), Helga Kromp-Kolb (BOKU University) and Karin Stieldorf (TU Wien).

The key notes were held by speakers Ernst Ulrich v. Weizsäcker (Club of Rome), Helga Kromp-Kolb, Anika Dafert (Fridays for Future) and Harald Frey (TU Wien) on the main question of the evening. The following break offered the possibility for networking with a buffet and 1:1 virtual online-meetings respectively. Afterwards, the speakers discussed the main question of the evening in the following panel discussion, moderated by Nora Laufer (Der Standard). The discussion also included questions from the audience – in-person or via the online-tool slido.

We are very excited about this great start of the summer universities, where we also got to welcome a group of guests from the Pharos University in Alexandria! Over the course of the next 3 weeks, the programs are hosting 100 international students and professionals in Vienna, who are eager to learn about how to create a more sustainable future for all.

The recording is available for rewatching on Youtube.

Images: © Matthias Heisler

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